Picture of the Week

The idea is simple: one picture per week, every week. Only two rules apply:
  • the images should be at least remotely artistic, not just casual snapshots (one needs to work a bit to get them)
  • no post-edition is allowed, they should be the jpg as produced by the camera (to test one's skills and to cut wasted time)
I started this project just after I bought my first digital camera, back in August 2010. At the time I was starting to write my PhD thesis, so I needed some regular challenge to keep me shooting. After a whole year, 52 weeks, I can say it fulfilled it's mission...

If you have any problem seeing the pictures or you'd like other sizes/download options, this series is also available through Picasa and Flickr. As with any other picture in this blog, if you'd like to use these images please read first the copyright page available here.

(esta página en español)


  1. Impresionantes las fotos... Voto por 365 fotos en un año! (pero de la misma calidad que estas, nada de chantadas).

